spiritual production

美 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl prəˈdʌkʃn]英 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl prəˈdʌkʃn]
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spiritual productionspiritual production
  1. Spiritual production also is not simple to reflect social existence .


  2. Towards Cultural Value of Marxist Theory of Spiritual Production


  3. The cultural industry is the core of spiritual production .


  4. The Spiritual Production Is the Decisive Power in the Development of Knowledge-based Economy Society


  5. On the social spiritual production


  6. The evolving of the Marxism theory about spiritual production is detailed in the part one .


  7. Literary works belonged to the spiritual production of intellectuals .


  8. Human community consists of three kinds , that is : material production , population production and spiritual production .


  9. Marx 's spiritual production theory is the basic contents of the materialist concept of history .


  10. The Theory of Spiritual Production from the Perspective of Social Integrity of Marx and Engels


  11. Spirit is internal essential strength of people , and spiritual production ability develops abilities of human beings .


  12. Activities in material production are the base , in spiritual production are the key and in human production are the core .


  13. As an element of the society , literature inevitably becomes a type of consumer goods of spiritual production .


  14. Spiritual production is not only the core concept of overall production theory , but also the core concept of historical materialism .


  15. The philosophical intension means that the art production is a part of spiritual production , which is different from material production .


  16. It is of remarkable significance both on theory and practice for deep and systematic study on Marx 's theory on spiritual production .


  17. The second part is essential to the article , because the basic viewpoints of Marxism theory about spiritual production are detailed .


  18. Marxist theory includes four parts , full-scale production of material production , spiritual production , self-production and social relations .


  19. In all , the Marxism theory about spiritual production is not only the component but also the evidence of Chinese - leading culture .


  20. The spiritual production theory and the distinction between productive labor and unproductive labor implied the theory of cultural industry .


  21. The construction of culture and ideology in urban community is an embodiment of socialist spiritual production and cultural life in the specific areas .


  22. Moral education is an organizational , systematical and theoretical spiritual production with the help of spiritual means of production . By means of M .


  23. Material production , discourse production and spiritual production act on each other and make beauty and beauty sense create synchronously and develop concomitantly .


  24. At the same time , spiritual production has presented certain problems even through the growing abundant spiritual products meet the multi-level spiritual and cultural needs of people .


  25. Edition as a means of spiritual production and as a division of social work stands for the dual essence of the general concept of edition .


  26. In spiritual production , the productivity and productive relations are both the interpersonal interrelation that takes shape in production , and they have identity .


  27. Third is that the value of the Marxism theory about spiritual production lies in that it provides guideline for the cultural construction of socialism with Chinese - characteristics .


  28. Meanwhile , development of rural spiritual production and promotion of peasants ' quality can promote new countryside construction work , which promotes the process of our socialist modernization work .


  29. The production theories should be universal production , which is composed of the material production , the production of man , the spiritual production and the production of social relations .


  30. It is a process that the spirit producers use certain means of spirit production on certain objects to create certain spiritual production , which is of its own special characteristics .
